
Institute an Award: Honor your Kin

Inner Search Foundation is announcing an opportunity for donors to institute Awards in the form of Prizes, Scholarships, Fellowships, or any similar offerings. The Award can be under the name of a person, organization, or any establishment of the donor’s choosing. Inner Search Foundation invites individuals, families, businesses, institutes, or any such establishments to become Donors.

The donor may institute the Award for students, artists, writers, social workers, etc. The donor is entitled to name the Award, to specify the sector/discipline/specialization/branch and to set the criteria for the Award. Donor can also specify duration and frequency of the Award. Donor can be involved in the process of selecting a recipient of the Award or can be a member of selecting committee which chooses the Award recipient. Donor can also designate another individual to be involved in selecting process or be a member of selecting committee in their place. Awards can be instituted to encourage work, facilitate good work, honor good work, support good work, etc.

All donors will be required to deposit a minimum of 15 times the annual amount of the Award. The amount may be deposited by the donor in one or two installments within the first two years of the institution of the Award. However, the selection of the Award recipient shall be made only after sufficient funds are available to start the Award.

Inner Search Foundation reserves the right to refuse any Award institution request or demolish an existing Award if it does not or discontinues to be relevant to Inner Search Foundation’s mission.

Urmila Award: Music

The ‘Urmila Award’ was instituted on the 8th August 2020 by Inner Search Foundation. The Urmila Award is instituted in memory of the late Mrs Urmila Kapoor, mother of Shri Pawan Kapoor, the founder of the Inner Search Foundation. The objective of this award is to recognize and encourage creativity and excellence in the field of Light Music (vocal) which includes Bhajans, Ghazals and any other Hindi songs. It aims at encouraging and supporting individuals and/or groups who may be pursuing vocal music. This is an annual award.  The Award may have different theme every year.

Urmila Award website:Urmila Award

Indu Prabha Award: Hindi Literature

इनर सर्च फाउंडेशन ने हिंदी भाषा के लेखकों, कवियों एवं रचनाकारों को प्रोत्साहित करने के लिए इन्दु प्रभा पुरस्कार को 2020 स्थापित किया गया है। यह पुरस्कार हिंदी भाषा की एक ऐसी कृति को प्रति वर्ष दिया जायेगा जो मानवीय मूल्यों के व्यापक आदर्शों को कहीं ना कहीं रेखांकित और अभिव्यंजित करती हो। कृति कविता, व्यंग, नाटक, उपन्यास, संस्मरण, कथा-साहित्य, विवेचन, आलोचना आदि किसी भी विधा से हो सकती है। इस पुरस्कार के लिए लेखक, कवि, रचनाकार स्वयं अपना नाम प्रस्तावित कर सकते हैं। कोई भी कृति का प्रस्ताव रचनाकार के मरणोपरांत स्वीकार नहीं किया जायेगा। पुरस्कार हेतु केवल अप्रकाशित कृति का प्रस्ताव ही स्वीकार किया जायेगा।

Visit here: InduPrabhaAwards